honi soit qui malibu…
You would not believe how many cappuccinos I had in order to look this composed for a photograph.
In 2022 I completed a PhD, focusing on radio, blended learning and podcasting in tertiary education at Murdoch University, Western Australia. Its title is: Edutaining Podcasting: Teaching Introductory Radio Skills via Narrative Podcasts during COVID-19.
In the same year (there was a global pandemic, I needed a hobby…) I finished my graduate studies in Science Communciation at the Australian National University, and undergrad studies in Creative Arts and Health at the University of Tasmania.
Before all that, I did an M.Ed on the statistical analysis of paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs. Occasionally I’m consulted by the media as a ‘Token Skeptic’ because of my research - which also happens to be the title of my podcast!
Prior to those adventures, I have worked as a roustabout, an artist, and a teacher of English, Media, EAL/D, Comparative Religion, and Philosophy and Ethics. I now teach Radio, Podcasting and Strategic Communications at tertiary level. My research interests also include retention in rural and remote secondary schools, radio for vision impaired communities, educational podcasting, and a little bit on paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs in Australians.
I’ve also worked in Graphic Design and Radio Broadcasting; my work includes working for ABC Emergency (guiding people to safety during natural disasters), and doing a great many interviews on Perth community radio on pretty much everything - in between playing T.I.S.M tracks (guiding people to a higher state of disco).
These days I can be found running up and down the Arts / Media corridors, slamming doors while trying to find where my tutorial groups are hiding. In 2020 I was the Three-Minute Thesis finalist for Murdoch University and was one of the final eight in the Asia-Pacific Virtual Showcase.
My five year goal is to look like this all the time without the aid of caffeine.
Media work
Curiouser and curioser
Curiouser and Curiouser is a series of interviews and essays that have featured on the Skeptical Inquiry website since 2010.
Interviews I’ve conducted include:
Feeding the Mind / Challenging the Myths— Interview with Science Babe
Behind the Magic – An Interview With James Randi
The British Humanist Association: Which Witch is Which?
Checking Out Consumer Rights With The Checkout – An Interview With Julian Morrow
Token Skeptic Podcast
Why do we believe weird things? What does feminine intuition really mean? How do you become an effective activist for science and reason? Are you ready for a podcast that poses these questions and more?
Tune into the Token Skeptic Podcast for a slightly more skeptical look at stories in the news, urban legends, good science, pseudoscience, and what makes popular culture pop.
Superstitions and Beliefs - Media Appearances
I am often consulted to talk about superstitions, paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs - some of these have appeared in print and on the air… even on stage and on TV!
Some examples (and you’ll find many more on Wikipedia):
SBS Digital - An unlucky day or just superstition? Here's the truth behind Friday the 13th interview - 2023
ABC OVERNIGHTS with Friday 13th supersitions and BRISBANE ABC and a new blogpost on Token Skeptic about it - 2022
ABC RADIO NATIONAL: God Forbid | How urban legends tell our story - A discussion about belief in weird things - 2021
Notre Dame, Fremantle
Graduated Dec 1996
Notre Dame, Fremantle
Graduated Dec 1997
Notre Dame, Fremantle
Graduated Dec 2009
university of Western Australia, perth
Graduated Dec 2011
University of Tasmania
Graduated 2022
Graduated 2022
Australian National University
Graduated 2022
University of Wollongong
Graduated 2023
2020 - 3MT (Three-Minute Thesis) Finalist for the Asia-Pacific Virtual Competition
2018 - CBAA Award - Best Radio Programme: Talks for "Talk the Talk"
2014 - Ockham Awards - best video for TEDxPerth Talk "Superstition Ain't The Way”
2013 - Ockham Awards - best podcast for Token Skeptic
2011 - Secular Student Alliance Best Individual College Activist Awards
Further news
Interviews for Friday 13th January in 2023 include:
SBS Digital - 13 Jan 2023ABC Sydney with Jacinta Parsons - 13 Jan 2023
2CC Radio Canberra with Leon Delaney - 13 Jan 2023
Adelaide FIVEaa Mornings with Graeme Goodings - 13 Jan 2023
ABC Radio South East SA Breakfast with Andrew Schmitt - 13 Jan 2023
Book chapter on educational podcasting during the pandemic: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio, eds. Kathryn McDonald and Hugh Chignell.
Research paper: The Vision Impaired as a Radio Audience: Meeting Their Audio Needs in the 21st Century - Journal of Radio & Audio Media, Volume 28:1, 2021.
I was the MC of the opening panel at the Perth Podcast Festival in 2020 and returned to conclude the festival in 2021.
In 2024, I have presented on my podcasting research and podcasting in education at both the WA Teaching and Learning Forum and at the ETAWA State Mini-Conference. I am also presenting at the Australasian Association of Philosophy's 2024 Conference and the Exploring Intersections of Media, Law, Communication and Crime Symposium at Murdoch University.
My audio work includes:
PhD Podcast - series of audio lessons for research - 2021
ABC Emergency Broadcasting - 2018-2020
Token Skeptic - investigations and interviews on science and rationalism - 2010 -2018
365 Days of Philosophy - one podcast for every day in 2017
Talk the Talk - co-host from 2015-2019
The Mag - RTRFM - presenter and producer - 2014-2019
ETAWA State Mini Conference and Early Career Teacher Mini Conference - Saturday, 24 February 2024
Kylie Sturgess
Short Conference Bio:
Dr Kylie Sturgess is a lecturer in Global Media and Communication at Murdoch University. Much of Kylie's research focuses on narrative structure, popular podcasts, media education, philosophy and popular beliefs. Her PhD research analysed how podcasting and blended learning can combine to guide the creation of educational podcasts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her research has been published in Personality and Individual Differences, the Journal of Radio and Audio Media, The Conversation website and The Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio (2023). Kylie occasionally appears on radio and television as a science communicator, discussing pseudoscientific and paranormal beliefs as the "Token Skeptic".
Extended 2024 Bio:
Dr Kylie Sturgess is a teacher in Global Media and Communication at Murdoch University. Much of Kylie's work focuses on narrative structure, popular podcasts, media education, philosophy and popular beliefs. She has worked in the fields of education, media, broadcasting and graphic design at secondary and tertiary level for about twenty-five years. Previous employment positions included teaching Philosophy and Ethics, and consulting for the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Her PhD research analysed how podcasting and blended learning can combine to guide the creation of educational podcasts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her research has been published in Personality and Individual Differences, the Journal of Radio and Audio Media, The Conversation website and The Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio (2023). She regularly appears on radio and television as a science communicator (usually on Friday 13th), discussing pseudoscientific and paranormal beliefs as the "Token Skeptic". In 2018 Kylie was a part of the team winning a Community Broadcasting Association of Australia award for Best Radio Programme: Talks for "Talk the Talk". In 2020 she was a top eight finalist in the 3MT (Three-Minute Thesis) at the Asia-Pacific Virtual Competition. In 2024, she is currently working on a postgraduate degree in diversity, equity and inclusion, and a variety of research projects including crime podcasts and theatre superstitions.